Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Former Presidente Raul Alfonsin

The former President of Argentina, former President Raul Alfonsin died yesterday from lung cancer. He helped bring his country out of the military dictatorship back in the 1980's, he was most remembered for his prosecution of the military dictators that he himself helped replace. Mr. Alfonsin, self proclaimed, "the most humble Argentine," unable to shake his Governments economical downtrend stepped down from office before the completion of his term, and passed the position on to Carlos Saul Menem. Raul Alfonsin made great attempts at rebuilding Argentina's Economy but his efforts were just not enough, he represented change for not only Argentina but Latin America as well. Similar changes came to other parts of Latin America during the beginning of Raul Alfonsins term, so his Presidential career was very influential to Latin American Democracy. We would like to show our love and respect to the former President's family, and wish the Alfonsin family the best. Con mucho amor, God bless.

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