Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor Candidate for big seat

we would like to congratulate one of our own, Ms. Sonia Sotomayor, as a candidate for the Justice position. Today President Barrack Obama nominated the Puerto Riquena Lateena from New York for the seat in the Supreme Court. The humbled Sotomayor gave thanks and also did what very few people do these days, accept Lateenos, she praised her mother for the sacrifices that her mother made for Sonia and her brother. I am proud to hear that Lateenos will claim another first in the United States, bringing us closer to one day holding the highest job, commander in Chief. We love Sonia and wish her the best in her nomination which Im certain will go through, today is a great day for all of us. Tomorrow I believe it will be you. God bless

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